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Cambio Card Game

The card game Golf takes it's name from the fact that each player attempts to end each hand and the game with the fewest number of points as in the sport of the same name. The game is also sometimes known under the names Polish Polka or Turtle. This game should not be confused with the Solitaire card game which also bears this same name. That game is described at this link.
There are variants of this game featuring various numbers of cards in the player's layouts, but the four card version will be described first. For versions of the game using differing number of cards as well as other modified versions of the game, see the variations section below.

The game is played by 2-4 players. Each player gets 7 cards at the start of the game. The objective is to get rid of all your cards by putting them onto the pile. You can put down a card if it has the same suit or rank as the top card of the discard pile. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. A player gives each player four cards and puts the deck in the middle, revealing one card next to it, where all the discarded cards will go. Each player takes a peak at the first two cards in front of him or her. Players must remember their cards before returning them. At their turn, a player can.

Four card Golf is designed to be played by 2 to 8 players using one standard deck. Although the cards, for purposes of this game are not ranked, each card does have a point value which is used for calculating scores at the end of each hand. The following chart shows the point value of each card in the deck:
CardPoint Value
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10Face value marked on card
Jack, Queen10

Determination of the first dealer and seating positions can be performed using a number of methods, with drawing for low cards a common method. The players would take seats at the table in order based on the point value of the card drawn, from lowest point value to the highest. The player drawing the lowest point total card becomes the first dealer. If two or more players draw cards with the same point value, those players should discard the card and draw again, continuing to do so until drawing a card no other player has yet drawn.
Once the players are seated and the dealer selected, the dealer thoroughly shuffles the deck and offers it to the player at his right to cut. After the cut, the dealer then deals four face-down cards to each player one at a time and in a clockwise rotation, starting with the player at his immediate left. After the players have received his four card hand, he should arrange them in a face-down rectangle consisting of two rows of two cards each. When arranging the cards the player should never view the cards he was dealt. The dealer then places the remainder of the undealt pack in the center of the table as the stock, taking the top card of the stock and laying it face-up beside the stock pile to start the discard pile. Before play begins, each player may then look at the two cards nearest to himself in his own layout. being careful not to show any other player the point value of these cards. Once he looks at these cards he places them back and may no longer look at the values of any of his face-down cards in his layout. In fact, a player may never again, during the hand look at the values of the face-down cards which are part of his layout. The player to the dealer's immediate left has the first turn and play then rotates in a clockwise rotation around the table.
On his turn, a player may take any one of several actions on that turn, as follows, with the ultimated goal to cause his four card layout to have the lowest total point value of any player in this hand:
  • Draw the top card from the stock:
  • The player draws a card from the top of the face-down stock and looks at it's face. If he does not want to replace any of the cards in his own layout with the card drawn, he may simply discard it, placing it face-up on top of the discard pile. However, if the player elects to replace a card from his layout with the newly drawn card, he may not first look at any of the cards in his layout, but simply takes one of the cards in his layout and places that card face-up on the top of the discard pile, replacing that card with the card just drawn. Once he elects to replace a card he may not change his mind, and must discard the card removed from his layout, replacing it with the card drawn from the stock.
  • Draw the top card from the discard pile:
  • If the player prefers, he may take the top, exposed card on the discard pile, replacing any one of the four cards in his layout with that card. He may not look at the faces of any of the face-down cards in his layout, but simply selects a card from his layout, removing it and placing it face up on the top of the discard pile, and then replacing the removed card with the card drawn from the discard pile at the start of his turn. The player may not change his mind once he has taken the top card of the discard pile and must replace one of the cards from his layout with the drawn card.
  • Knock:
  • If a player is satisfied with what he believes the current total point value of his layout is, the player may knock on his turn. He does this by simply clearly stating 'Knock' or rapping on the table with his knuckles such that all players can hear. He makes no other play on this turn. Once one player knocks each remaining player has exactly one more turn to exchange cards from the layout, starting with the next player to the left of the knocking player.

After a player knocks, each additional player in turn after the knocker has one more turn to attempt to improve his hand. In addition, if the last card of the stock is draw, the hand also immediately ends. After the hand ends, the players turn over all the cards in his layout and the cards are scored.
As per the chart above, each card in the players layout is summed to determine his score for this hand (called a hole). Each players total is then added to that players cumulative total over the course of nine holes to make a complete game. After nine holes, the player with the lowest grand total is declared the game winner.
Skills requiredAttention, Memory
Card rank (highest first)A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Playing time20 min.
Random chanceLow-Moderate
Related games

Desmoche (played in Nicaragua as conquién, with slight variations) is a popular rummycard game usually played for small stakes which closely resembles other games in the rummy family, like Conquian and gin rummy, more than poker.[1] It was probably devised in Nicaragua in the first half of the 20th century.

Object of the game[edit]

The object of desmoche is to play, in either runs or sets, exactly ten cards on the table. The game is played by 2, 3 or 4 players with a standard deck of 52 playing cards.


Any player may start out as the dealer, which then rotates from round to round in a counterclockwise fashion. The player on the dealer's right may cut the deck before the dealer deals the cards face-down starting with the player on the right and continuing until each player receives nine cards. Cards that are not dealt remain in the deck, which is placed in the middle of the table and used throughout the remainder of the game.


After players are dealt nine cards each, but before play begins, each player chooses one card from their hand and passes it face down to the player on their right. The 'Cambio' (also known as 'exchange', 'pass' or 'trade') can be a crucial factor in deciding one's hand.

If any of the 'automatic win' specifications (available below) have been met either before or after the Cambio, the player with the winning hand must declare they have won and place their cards face up on the table for the other players to confirm the automatic win.

Otherwise, normal play begins.

The player to the right of the dealer begins play by drawing a card from the deck, being careful not to place that card into the cards already in their hand. If the player can make use of the card to create a meld, he does so by placing the card on the table in front of him and adding the cards from his hand to finalize the meld, all cards in the meld must be face up. If the card cannot be immediately used, it is placed face up in the discard pile. If any other player can use that card to create a meld, they can then play it face up on the table in front of them. If more than one player can use the card, the first player in counter-clockwise order from the player who discarded it gets to take it.

If no one can use the first card drawn, a second card is then drawn by the same player to the right of the dealer. Each player only draws one card before the next person's turn for the remainder of the game.

Each player is to always maintains nine cards in their possession. This includes both the cards in the player's hand and the cards which have been played face up on the table. If a player uses a card from either the deck or the discard pile, in order to maintain a count of nine cards the player must 'pay' for this card by discarding a card from their own hand. Once a player discards a card that no one can use, play continues to that player's right, regardless of whether any other player's turns seemed to have been skipped.

The only time a player will have more than nine cards is when they have won, at which time they will have exactly ten cards.

If no player has played ten cards face up on the table by the time the final card has been discarded from the deck, there is no winner and, if playing for money, the bet for the next game is added to the current pot.

Whether there is a winner or not, the player to the right of the previous dealer is now the dealer, and play continues.

Much like Poker, game play ends when a player is out of money or simply no longer wishes to continue playing.


Melds in desmoche must contain a minimum of three cards. They can be runs of the same suit (i.e. 8910) containing three to ten cards, or sets of three or four cards of identical rank (i.e. 888). After a player has played a meld on the table, it can be added to by cards in that player's hand or by any cards that are discarded by a player that will continue the meld.

The highest run allowed is J Q K, a meld of Q K A is not allowed. A 2 3 is the smallest run allowed, but is often considered the highest valued run (see Bonuses below).

Sometimes players enforce strict rules for laying down melds, in which a player is disqualified if their cards are not arranged in the correct order. Runs must be placed in ascending order, like 8910 and not 8109. Sets must be played with suit color alternating, i.e. 888 not 888.

Cambio Card Game

A player performs a desmoche, which the game is named for, by taking a card from any of his face up melds to use in another meld, but only as long as all melds that remain on the table are still valid melds (i.e: 8888 can be used to desmoche an 8 to create a new meld of 8910 because 888 is still a valid meld).

Automatic wins[edit]

All automatic wins MUST be declared before the first card is drawn for game play, otherwise the win is forfeited and the game continues as normal. All automatic wins are valid if the terms are met either before or after the 'Cambio'. Ace is always considered the highest card for deciding upon multiple automatic wins.

  • 'Peladilla': A player's hand contains no matching sets of 2 cards or higher, and no matching runs of 2 cards or higher of the same suit, i.e. A347810JQK. If 2 or more players have Peladilla, the player with the highest ranking card in their hand wins (i.e: A347810JQK beats 2347810JQK because A is the highest card of the two hands.)
  • 'Cuatro Cuerpos': A player's hand contains four cards of identical ranks (i.e: 8888). If 2 or more players have Cuatro Cuerpos at the same time, the player with the highest ranking set of four identical rank cards wins.
  • 'Color': A player's hand contains only cards of the same color. (This rule is not always agreed upon, check with the players before game play if they accept Color as an instant win, sometimes Color is only accepted if all cards are the same color and same suit.)

If the players are 'playing everything' as stated in the bonuses section below, all losing players must pay a bonus to the winner because they are all 'Arriba del Palo'.

In the Honduran variation Conquién there is not automatic wins.

Rules variations[edit]

When a card is discarded and more than one person can make use of the card, the person closest in the counter-clockwise rotation to the player who discarded the card gets first priority. This means that, if the person on the far left of the circle wants to use the card, and, the person in the first order of the rotation wants to use it as well, the player in the first rotation gets to have that card. Often players signify in order when a card does not 'serve' them by knocking on the table.

If a card placed on the discard pile can be added to any meld currently on the table it can be forced onto the meld and the player will have to 'pay' for the card by discarding from their hand. If the player discarding the card is the same person with the meld, the card can be forced back to them, but if another player wants the card, they can take it (this is sometimes debated). If the card can be added to another player's meld, and the card is not taken by a player who is earlier in the rotation, then the card is automatically added to the meld and the player is forced to 'pay' for that card. For example, if a player has A23 on the table and the card being discarded is 4, the card is automatically placed on that sequence if no player earlier in the rotation claims it, and the player has to pay for that card. However, this rule is not always followed.


The betting in desmoche takes place before the cards have been dealt. Every player bets the same amount for each hand, which is determined before playing. The bet can only change before cards are dealt, if all players agree upon the new bet. The bet does not get raised during the play of a hand. If a game ends without a winner, each player adds the same bet as the previous game to the pot for the next game. (This is called 'Doble', 'Triple', 'Quadruple', etc.)

Cabo (Kaboo)


When a player realizes they cannot win and can confirm there are no cards left in the deck that can be placed on their melds already face up on the table, they are allowed to pass their turn for the remainder of the hand, at which time they can place their melds face down to prevent the other players from seeing them. (i.e: If a player's face up cards include: 10101010 and JQK, no more cards can be added to their melds because they already have their own 10.)


If the players decide 'to play everything' or 'jugar todo' there are possible bonuses involved with winning, the bonus is equal to the amount of the bet at the start of the hand.

  • 'Mico': If the winner has a run of A 2 3, each losing player must pay a bonus. (Multiple bonuses of this type are allowed.)
  • 'Arriba del Palo': If a player has not played any of their cards face up on the table before another player wins, they are considered 'up the tree' and they must pay a bonus to the winner.
  • 'Color': If a player wins with all cards of the same suit (i.e: A2345678910 or 234 / 678 / 10JQK), each losing player pays a bonus.

These bonuses are allowed to be stacked. For example, if a player wins with A2345678910 they are due a bonus for 'Color' and for 'Mico' from each player, and if any players are 'Arriba del Palo' they must pay the winner for that as well.

In the Conquién game there is not bonuses.

Side games[edit]

Players can also bet on side games with separate pots of money. These games must be started before the cards are dealt. Players of the main game are not required to join the side games.

Cambio Card Game - Image Results

The following is a list of the side game names followed by their requirement to win.

  • 'oro' (or 'rombo'): Highest diamond() card.
  • 'corazon': Highest heart() card.
  • 'flor': Highest club(♣) card.
  • 'corazon negro': Highest spade(♠) card.
  • 'par rojo': Highest red pair.
  • 'par negro': Highest black pair.
  • 'dos par rojo': Highest set of two red pairs.
  • 'dos par negro': Highest set of two black pairs.
  • 'tres cuerpos': Highest three-of-a-kind (i.e: AAA).
  • 'escalera': Highest run of three or more cards of the same suit (i.e: A23).

To win a side game, the winning card(s) must be received on the deal and not on the 'Cambio'. If a player has a possible winner in their hand, they must announce that they have it before the 'Cambio' and they must show it when the cards are played or discarded, or at the end of the game if it is still in their hand after someone else has won. For these side games, Ace is considered the highest card, and 2 is considered the lowest card. For 'escalera' A 2 3 is often considered a higher run than J Q K, but this is sometimes debated.

In Honduras the only side game that is used to be played, is 'oro'.


If a player is disqualified, their cards are removed from game play and they must wait until the next hand to continue playing.

Reasons for disqualification include:

  • The dealer has dealt an incorrect number of cards to any player. (Any extra cards dealt must be returned to the deck, the dealer's cards are put aside and are not played.)
  • Any player is caught physically moving cards in the discard pile to check for cards that have already passed.
  • A player places a card into the cards in his hand, either from the deck or the discard pile.
  • A player plays melds on the table in an incorrect order (as described in the melds section above).

The Cabo Card Game - Trey Hunner


Enforcement of these rules depends on the players. It is not uncommon for these offenses to be immediately forgiven, with play continuing as normal without any disqualification.

See also[edit]


Cabo Card Game

  1. ^Roger N. Lancaster [1]Life is hard: machismo, danger, and the intimacy of power in Nicaragua pg. 193 University of California Press (2004) ISBN0-520-08929-4

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