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Incoherent Card Game

Party Game
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byCapstone HK Ltd. (2018)
4 to 10
30 minutes


Each round in the guessing game INCOHERENT players find themselves in different settings telling stories to all other players who have to correctly guess the story's subject. It is a unique guessing game as:

During the game, the storyteller(s) must begin all stories with a designated sentence provided by a selected player. Whenever the assigned word is to be used in the story, the storyteller must use the replacement word instead in every sentence for others to guess. Describe the assigned word's color, shape and feature, with body language not being allowed.

Individual and battle modes are included in the game. In battle mode, the active player and other player are both storytellers, and they talk about two different words in two different stories for all other players to guess at the same time.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why won't you add rule-variations/replayable-games/any-other-feature? It would make the game much better.


A: We get a lot of requests from people that just want one tiny little feature added to a game. What they don't realize is that if we start implementing all the suggestions we get then the games will no longer be simple. The number one praise we get is that the interface is simple and uncluttered and it's easy to play. That's very much deliberate. There is no login, no loading screens, as few options as possible. We want to keep it as simple as possible, and that means each game only has one set of rules, you can't choose variations, we try to add as few controls as possible to the screen etc. So, don't feel bad if you make a suggestion and I deny it, we deny 99% of all suggestions.

Incoherent Card Game Examples Free

Q: Why can't I see my statistics on another computer?

Incoherent Card Game Where To Buy

A: This goes back to simplicity again. We don't want people to have to login to the site. We don't want to keep passwords in a database and be responsible for them. Your statistics are stored in your browser, we don't store them anywhere. That means that as soon as you switch browsers you won't see the same statistics.

Q: Does this site use cookies and/or track people?

A: Yes, this site uses cookies. They are used for game purposes, like remembering your scores between rounds, but also to gather aggregate data on people's browsers, screen resolutions and more, which helps us figure out what we need to support. Finally they are also used for advertising purposes. A more detailed description of our cookie use can be found in our Privacy Policy, and you can always reach out and contact us if you're concerned about it.

Q: Do the computer players cheat? Are the games fixed?

A: No. In all the games the cards are dealt randomly at the start, and the computer players make their decisions based only on knowledge of their own hands, and knowledge of what has been played. Basically they use the same information as a human player would have available to them.

Q: I saw an offensive ad. Can you remove it?

A: If you see an ad that is offensive to you then please contact us and we'll try our best to block it. Due to the way advertising works we can't always immediately find the ads to block them, but if you send a screenshot of it, or you remember any text on it or a url then there's a much higher chance that we can find it and block it.