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Spanish Playing Cards

La Baraja Espaola or Spanish Playing Cards Divination is a form of tarot card reading with the Spanish deck of cards. The Spanish Playing Cards are similar to the normal playing cards deck but do not include the eights and nines. Spanish Playing Cards Divination can be used to find solutions to your problems and predict about the future. Spanish-suited playing cards or Spanish-suited cards have four suits and a deck is usually made up of 40 or 48 cards. It is categorized as a Latin-suited deck and has strong similarities with the Italian-suited deck and less to the French deck. Spanish-suited cards are used in Spain, southern Italy, parts of France, Hispanic America, North Africa, and the Philippines. Despite their name, it is probably that they were originally the French variant of the then universal Italian-suited cards and th.

Wikipedia defines Cartomancy as, “fortune-telling or divination using a deck of cards.”


Many people use a standard deck of 78 Tarot Cards, a deck of playing cards, or any set of oracle cards that often have esoteric images with or without predisposed definitions that are interpreted by the one reading the cards.

Spanish Cards, or as Wikipedia defines them, “The Baraja (literally deck/pack of cards) is a deck of playing cards associated with Spain. It is usually called Baraja Española (literally Spanish Deck). It has four suits and is usually made up of 40 cards.”

Spanish Playing Cards Artist

Anyone who has been in a border town between the US and Mexico knows, has known or knows someone who knows someone that can read such cards.

Spanish Playing Cards

Spanish Playing Cards Which Each Card Means

There are many methods of reading these cards, styles varying from person to person. After all, anyone who has read them long enough has hopefully developed and evolved their style to the point where it isn’t often recognizable. Not only must the reader be knowledgeable in the definitions of each individual card, but of their meaning in combination with other cards surrounding it, depending on the spread being used. A spread or “tirada” is a specific layout of cards used to guide the reader in the insight given by the cards themselves.

So what qualifies me to tell you how to read cards? To begin with, my grandmother read la baraja consistently for over 40 years to many people. With her gift, she was able to develop her intuition to the point of providing her clients detailed information such as names of people, dates, locations, etc. … information that is not clearly visible on just a pack of playing cards, but that comes with years of practice.

Spanish Playing Cards Painting

I have developed my own method of reading with these cards, those meanings are the ones that I will be withholding for myself. The definitions originally ascribed by my grandmother will be the ones that I provide for you the reader. I hope that these may be useful to those who wish to learn the art of cartomancy.